Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reaktor 5.0


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Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reaktor

Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reactor is a special air filter that is used for connection to the air inlet of a protein skimmer for air purification and CO2 reduction.

How to use

To fill the filter, loosen the screw slightly, insert the correct hose adapter for the protein skimmer and close the filter lid.

Use of the Skim Breeze granulate

Do not submerge the granules or expose them to water. Do not inhale dust, use gloves and eye protection when filling the reactor with Skim Breeze granulate.

Follow the dosage instructions of the Skim Breeze granulate.

Fauna Marin Skim Breeze is a special adsorbent granule used to purify the air attracted by protein skimmers.

Due to the air purification of the skimmer, the pH value of your aquarium will rise and become more stable. Reducing nutrients significantly reduces algae growth and increases coral growth. Our powerful adsorbent prevents harmful gases such as cigarette smoke and CO2 from being introduced through the skimmer.


1000 ml Skim Breeze per 500 L (132 US gal) volume of aquarium will last approximately 4-6 weeks.
Skim Breeze granules should be replaced when the granules turn completely violet.
Refolding the used material does not mean it can be used again.

Dosage Instructions

Place Skim Breeze granules in a dry filter and connect the filter to the air inlet of the skimmer.

Safety instructions

Do not inhale the granulate, do not inhale dust, use gloves. Keep the container tightly closed and protected from direct sunlight. Skim Breeze granules must be handled carefully at all times. Keep out of reach of children. Read label before use.


Irritant causes severe burns and serious eye damage. Protect the product from sun exposure and moisture. H315 H318, P302 / P352, P332 / 313, P305 / 351/338, P280


Calcium Hydroxide (EC 215-137-3), Sodium Hydroxide (EC 215-283-8), Zeolites (EC 215-283-8)

Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reaktor packs

Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reaktor 2.5
Fauna Marin Skim Breeze Reaktor 5.0

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