The marine aquarium part 1


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SKU: 9789082101119 Category:


This book is the must-have for all marine aquarium enthusiasts!

Do you want a marine aquarium at home? With the right background knowledge, you will enjoy your aquarium more. You will also have fewer problems. Written in plain language and beautifully illustrated. In the rave reviews this book is also called ‘must-have’ or ‘mini bible for the marine aquarium’. Countless aquarium enthusiasts enjoy using this book. Advanced aquarists are also amazed at how much new knowledge they acquire thanks to this publication. The latest techniques and insights are clearly presented in understandable language. The book contains numerous practical tips that are immediately applicable to make the aquarium even more beautiful and healthier. The chemistry is also explained in an understandable way. This reference book includes useful advice on: * Start-up * Technology * Purchase and care of animals * Water chemistry and quality * Biological stability * Problem solving * Prevention and control of pests The author of this book has been successful for over 25 years marine aquariums. The knowledge gained in this way, combined with insights gained from countless dives at tropical reefs and background knowledge as a biology teacher is clearly presented in this booklet. Luxurious edition, richly illustrated in full color. Published in a hard cover and with a reading ribbon.

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