Aquaforest NitraPhos Minus
NitraPhos Minus is a unique formula that aims to biologically remove nitrate, nitrite and phosphate from the aquarium. It activates metabolism in different types of bacteria, which are responsible for the management and elimination of excess nutrients. Thanks to the special composition of multiple forms of organic carbon, amino acids and vitamins, all biochemical changes take place without any problems and bacteria easily absorb compounds to convert them into biomass. That biomass becomes a valuable food for corals, while its excess and remnants are removed from the water by filter or skimmer. NitraPhos Minus improves the overall condition of corals, improves coloration and promotes their growth. Maintaining the biological balance in the tank prevents the formation of unwanted green algae and the development of cyanobacteria.
What’s great about Aquaforest NitraPhos Minus
Effectively removes excess nitrate and phosphate
Brings chemical balance
Rapidly reduces unwanted algae
Increases coral coloring and growth
Aquaforest NitraPhos Minus packaging
Aquaforest Nitra Phos Minus 200ml.
Aquaforest Nitra Phos Minus 2000ml.