Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls


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Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls

Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls contains millions of live reef bacteria and enzymes in balls for easy dosing. Millions of live reef bacteria and enzymes in soluble balls for easy dosing.

Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls

Crystal clear and healthy water, nutritional control and easy reduction of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphates.
Cleans up organic waste and unwanted waste, increases skimming, reduces filter maintenance and eliminates unwanted bacteria and algae.
Easy dosing – with the unique and long-lasting effect.
Simplifies nutrient control: reduces nitrogen and phosphates
Reduces unwanted algae growth
Provides cost effective and efficient means of nutrient control
Supports natural bacterial flora
Eliminates nasty bacterial plaque and detritus build-up
Removes organic waste products
Strengthens the skimming process and minimizes cleaning intervals
Easy to follow dosing schedule
Unique depot effect, therefore effective for weeks per dose


Millions of live natural marine bacteria in soluble marine aquarium balls.
100ml Bacto Reef Balls contains approx. 110 balls, each approx. Average diameter of 1 cm.


2 Reef Balls / 100 Liters (26.4 US Gal) / every 2 weeks directly in your filter. Prevent balls from being sucked into a pump by properly closing the balls in a filter or media cup.

Reef Balls are made from a biodegradable polymer. Size variations are normal

Tips for using Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls

Make sure the balls are not placed near the suction of a pump
BACTO REEF BALLS slowly dissolve on contact with water over the next 2-4 weeks. During this time, natural bacteria, as well as a highly effective enzyme solution, are introduced into the water.
After adding BACTO REEF BALLS, your skimmer performance can increase significantly. This is the first sign of increased nutritional degradation. By increasing or removing BACTO REEF BALLS, you can determine the exact needs of your aquarium.
A general dosage cannot be specified due to the individuality of aquariums and their water values.
We recommend that you start with half the recommended dose and gradually add more BACTO REEF BALLS until you reach the desired values. Check with regular water tests

Available Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls packs

Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls – 100 ml
Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls – 250 ml
Fauna Marin Bakto Reef Balls – 500 m

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