D&D ClariSea SK5000 AUTO


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D&D ClariSea SK5000 AUTO

The D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 is a highly efficient water filtration system that removes suspended particles such as microalgae, waste, food, organic waste and gravel from the water column. The D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 is suitable for use in marine aquariums, freshwater aquariums, fish farmers and coral propagation systems.

The D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 completely replaces the need for vial bags that need to be cleaned / replaced regularly. The D-D ClariSea Fleece Filter SK-5000 ensures the highest possible filtration efficiency for optimal light penetration and growth of your corals and plants. It continuously removes waste and organic waste from the water column and prevents breakdown to nitrate and phosphate in your aquarium.

The D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 significantly reduces the load on your protein skimmer by removing even the smallest particles. Constant filtration results in less maintenance on pumps, wave formers and protein skimmers, plus …

no more food bags to clean. It will noticeably reduce the build-up of debris in your aquarium substrate and sump. The D-D ClariSea Paper Fleece Filter SK-5000 is very flexible and easy to place in your sump. The water supply can be

realized from the back, front or sides. This is not only possible via the discharge pipe but also via a separate pump. In contrast with the D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-3000, the D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 is only available in an automatic version. In this version the roll with the fleece is rolled up electrically with the push of a knob.

Features D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000

High volume filter capacity.
Minimal installation footprint.
Completely replaces the need for filter socks.
Self-assembly for easy cleaning.
Multiple installation options.
Automatic advancement of dirty fleece.
Multi-function smart controller.
End of roll audible alarm.
Filter error / floating error / water depth alarm.
Phosphate-free fleece material.
Special low-odor fleece material.
Integrated fail-safe overflow.
Silencer plates for quiet operation.
Water bypass system.

Specifications D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000

Recommended flow capacity: up to 5,000 L / h.
Particle size removal: up to 20 microns.
Free water depth: Maximum 20 cm.
Height adjustment hanging bracket: up to 12 cm.
Maximum glass thickness of the sump for the hanging bracket: 13 mm.
Recommended for aquariums with a volume of up to 1000 liters.
Diameter Inlet connection: 32 mm.
Footprint: 10 cm x 13.5 cm x 45 cm (w x d x h).
Filter fleece: width 15 cm – length 25 m.
The D-D ClariSea paper fleece filter SK-5000 is very flexible and easy to place in your sump. The water supply can be realized from the back, front or sides. This is not only possible via the discharge pipe, but also via a separate pump.

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