Bubble King Deluxe 200 extern


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Bubble King Deluxe 200 extern

Suitable for aquariums of 700-1500 liters. Ground surface 300×400 mm. Height 750 mm. Pump 40 Watt …
These skimmers are equipped with energy-efficient Red Dragon pumps and have an unrivaled capacity.

Suitable for aquariums of 700-1500 liters
Ground surface 300×400 mm.
Height 750 mm.
Pump 40 Watt.

Today there is a wonderful skimmer generation on the market. These skimmers are completely different from all other skimmers available so far. All parts are manufactured by Royal Exclusiv on highly accurate CNC lathes. Due to their revolutionary new quality concepts, the old techniques of protein skimmers are in many cases a thing of the past. In short, the Bubble King series is all about rock-solid quality.

An air distribution plate is located at the bottom of the protein skimmer in order to obtain the most constant possible upward flow. This results in a very efficient skimming of pollution with a minimum of water loss. This plate is completely manufactured on a CNC lathe to get good conical holes, for a good distribution of the introduced air.

Model: bk1966.AC-33249 Supplier: Royal Exclusive
All Bubble King Deluxe protein skimmers are equipped with a Bubble King pump based on the acclaimed Red Dragon pump. With this pump it is possible to draw in air without damaging the pump. The Bubble King pump can draw in up to 2000 liters of air per hour. This amount of air is enough to obtain a good skimming. Due to the innovative techniques and innovations, it is possible that even more efficient yields are currently being obtained with lower energy consumption.

The Bubble King Deluxe protein skimmers are very small with a maximum height of 85 cm. There is also a removable collection tray mounted on top of the protein skimmer, this facilitates the removal of contamination from the collection basin. This also reduces the built-in size of the protein skimmer. A seal manufactured on the CNC lathe guarantees a perfect seal and easy removal.

The skimmer is equipped with a telescopic tube as standard for the adjustable internal water height. This allows you to internally adjust the water level to obtain optimal skimming.

Additional information

Additional information

Weight 11 kg
Dimensions 24,5 × 40,5 × 59 cm
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