Waterbox AIO 35.2


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Water box ALL-IN-ONE 35.2

The Waterbox Silver Marine All-in-One 35.2 System is the perfect entry-level, all-in-one aquarium option for new hobbyists and advanced aquarists alike!
The Waterbox Silver Marine series is an easy to use, “plug and play” system – no PVC required! Just choose the best lighting for your needs and you’re done!

The 112 Liter system offers the same advanced features as the other Waterbox AIOs and is designed to provide a larger AIO aquarium system. This series also eliminates the high purchase price that generally creates a barrier for those looking to start a saltwater aquarium.

The tank has been carefully constructed with Starphire Ultra-Clear ™ Glass, a crystal clear, low-iron glass. Patented flow nozzles provide the aquarium with ideal flow rates to help promote a thriving aquatic habitat. The included Ecoplus pump is reliable and quiet.

This AIO system also has a side-by-side filtration chamber, ideal for mechanical and biological media such as bio balls, carbon, filter socks and sponges.

Start your aquarium adventure today with this amazing all-in-one system from Waterbox!

Water box ALL-IN-ONE 35.2 advantages

Equipped with rimless 8 mm Starphire Ultra-Clear ™ beveled glass
Includes variable flow pump and filtration media
Side-by-side rear filtration and media chambers for mechanical filtration included

Waterbox ALL-IN-ONE 35.2 specifications

Starphire Ultra-Clear ™ glass
Glass thickness 8 mm
Glass overflow system
Full length landing
Removable filter socks
Filtration media included
Tank length – 600 mm
Tank width – 450 mm
Tank height – 450 mm
Total system volume – 112L
Feed pump included

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