Apex Display Module
Separate display module that can be connected to an APEX computer.
Mechanical push buttons
This Display Module uses high quality mechanical push buttons. Nice and important would you think? Now, many products use touch sensitive buttons. This type of button is fine for your toaster, but in a salt water environment it is asking for trouble. So despite being more expensive to manufacture, Neptune Systems has chosen to use mechanical push buttons in their Display Module. Which guarantees a longer lifespan.
High resolution screen, backlight and adjustable contrast
The choice was made for a screen that is easy to read, with a comfortable size. A color screen was not chosen because it adds little to functionality. The graphical screen with backlighting provides the perfect balance between function and purchase value.
Built-in speaker with multiple alarm tones
Inside the Apex Display Module is a small speaker with a big heart. This speaker plays one of the many sounds and tunes built into the Apex. These alarms are ideally suited to warn of water leaks, overtemperatures, or any other condition that you can program into your Apex.
Possibility of multiple Display Modules
With the Apex Display Module you are not limited to having just one control panel. You can optionally add two or even three Display Modules to your Apex. All with the same size and functionality as the standard supplied Display Module.