Reef Fuel


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ReefFUEL an extremely powerful blend of organic ingredients with one of the highest energy densities known in nature. An organic blend of hydrolyzed vegetable oil, alcohols, saccharides, fatty acids, triglycerides.

Adenosine is a new and unique addition. 1 Of the most important energetic molecules. It is part of ATP, ADP and many coenzymes. Indispensable for biochemical processes.

Unprecedented power and developed with our latest knowledge and technology. Every time, nature surprises us again about what is not possible.

Supported with microorganisms, ReefFUEL is our number 1 to reduce phosphate and nitrate. Divide into 2 groups, selected for rapid adaptation (LOG phase) and their rapid growth (Lag Phase)


Nitrate -> Nitrogen gas

Nitrate -> Protein

Protein -> Cell walls

Ammonia -> Nitrate

Selected to quickly form a group that uses the nitrate to build proteins and build their cell walls. This NOX group is able to use various nitrogen compounds. And if their environment allows it, they can very well convert NO3 into N (nitrogen gas), then you will also lose it completely from the environment. They can do this in an environment where there is enough flow, but not enough oxygen. E.g. a coarse soil of at least 2 cm. Or filter material that can store different environments oxygenated and oxygen deprived (not anaerobic). You can see it in the nitrogen bubbles that form and rise or come out of the pump every now and then.


Phosphate -> ATP

Phosphate -> Cell reserve

Phosphate -> Phospholipids

Phosphate -> Polyphosphates

A group of PO4 Microorganisms that we have selected for the purpose of storing and retaining a phosphate surplus. It is used in their cell metabolism. This bacterium can store reserves for several months and thus form a balance that normally only occurs in nature.

Both groups do not form toxins during life or death and are a welcome addition to food for corals.

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Weight N/A
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