Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt


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Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt

Fully synthetic sea salt manufactured for coral cultivation. The salt is formulated in this way to create the best conditions for marine fauna. It contains micro and macro elements that fully meet the needs of corals for good growth and color. The addition of probiotic bacteria also has a positive effect on the reduction of nitrates and phosphates and slows down the development of pathogenic microorganisms in a marine aquarium. After the salt has dissolved, the freshly prepared seawater can be used immediately for replacement. When setting up new aquariums, we recommend that you do not release the first animals earlier than 10-14 days after filling the reservoir. The salt contains bromides, which are present in natural seawater and therefore it is not recommended for filtration systems with ozone. In case of using an ozonator, we recommend the salt Reef Salt Aquaforest. Due to the presence of probiotic bacteria, we recommend keeping the DKH level in the range 6.5-8.0, a higher level may negatively affect the condition of the SPS corals.
Fully synthetic sea salt manufactured for coral cultivation. The salt is formulated in this way to create the best conditions for marine fauna. It contains micro and macro elements that fully meet the needs of corals for good growth and color. The addition of probiotic bacteria also has a positive effect on the reduction of nitrates and phosphates and slows down the development of pathogenic microorganisms in a marine aquarium. After the salt has dissolved, the freshly prepared seawater can be used immediately for replacement. When setting up new aquariums, we recommend that you do not release the first animals earlier than 10-14 days after filling the reservoir. The salt contains bromides, which are present in natural seawater and therefore it is not recommended for filtration systems with ozone. In case of using an ozonator, we recommend the salt Reef Salt Aquaforest. Due to the presence of probiotic bacteria, we recommend keeping the DKH level within the range 6.5-8.0, a higher level may negatively affect the condition of the SPS corals.

Probiotic Reef Salt contains vitamins and amino acids.


Dissolve the salt in the prepared demineralized water. The water temperature should be approximately 24 ° C (75 ° F). For a salinity of 33 ppt, dissolve about 3.95 kg in 100 liters (27 US gal.) Of water. The solution should be mixed vigorously for about 15 minutes, after complete dissolution and obtaining full clarity, the salted water is ready to use. Recommend Aquaforest to keep salinity between 33-35 ppt.

Store the salt in a dry and dark place. The dissolved saline solution must be used within 48 hours.

The parameters of the water after dissolving the salt:

Cl – 19000-19500 mg / l
Na – 10500-10600 mg / l
Mg – 1300-1380 mg / l
S – 840-890 mg / l
Ca – 410-440 mg / l
K – 380-400 mg / l
Br – 60-70 mg / l
F – 1.2-1.5 mg / l
Fe – 0.05-0.06 mg / l
Sr – 8-9 mg / l
dKH – 7.2-8.0
pH – 7.8-8.2
Amino acids


Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt 5 kg bucket plus vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt 10 kg bucket plus vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt 22 kg bucket plus vitamins, trace elements and amino acids
Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt 25 kg bag in box plus vitamins, trace elements and amino acids

ATTENTION: do not use ozone

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