ICP-OES Water Analysis – enveloppe


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ICP-OES Water Analysis – enveloppe

Dit is een unieke manier om het aquariumwater professioneel op alle aanwezige stoffen te laten testen. De test die uitgevoerd wordt bevat onder andere:

  • Chloride
  • Natrium
  • Zwavel
  • Calcium
  • Kalium
  • Broom
  • Strontium
  • Boor

En ook op de kleinere elementen zoals :

  • aluminium
  • antimoom
  • arseen
  • barium
  • beryllium
  • bismut
  • lood
  • cadmium
  • chroom
  • ijzer
  • jodium
  • kobalt
  • koper
  • lithium
  • mangaan
  • molybdeen
  • nikkel
  • fosfor
  • kwik
  • seleen
  • silicium
  • thallium
  • titaan
  • vanadium
  • zink
  • tin

Vul de 3 flesjes met water en stuur die naar Duitsland voor lab analyse.


ICP-OES Water Analysis - enveloppe

Engelse omschrijving van ATI

The future has started

With the ARCOS II ICP-OES machine, we have chosen an analyser of the highest in its class. It is characterised by its high precision and is used wherever high demands on element analysis are required. So it is not surprising that with the ARCOS II we can detect trace elements in concentrations to less than 1 µg/l (0.001mg/l).

This is your way…

… to being totally aware and in control of what is happening with your aquariums water chemistry. With the help of our ICP-OES the daily challenges of meeting the needs of your reef aquarium inhabitants are now without any doubt completely possible. You are able to see the daily consumption of every essential mayor and minor element and able to dose accordingly to keep at the optimum levels. Also we are able to identify, using the analysis, sources of pollution that could be the cause of many problems and so can optimise your aquarium system to even better results, and detect potential problems to avoid them escalating.


We measure for you:

Salinity and KH value

As all readings are affected by salinity this gives you balanced accurate readings with complete certainty on your results. With all mayor and minor elements with balanced reference values to the results, leaves you with no doubts of your dosing regime.

Major elements: chloride, sodium, sulphur, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, strontium and boron

Minor elements: aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, iodine, lead, lithium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, selenium, silicon, silver, thallium, tin, titanium, vanadium and zinc

Our free online Lab software helps you in interpreting the results.

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Gewicht 0,3 kg
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