Nyos Torq Dock


Delivery time 2 – 5 working days

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SKU: 4260246922337 Category:


The Nyos ® TORQ ® is an innovative high-performance system reactor in a modular design for all types of filter media, such as activated carbon, phosphate remover (GFO), zeolite and biological pellets.

Filter media are an essential part of maintaining good water quality in an aquarium. They help remove excess pollutants and increase water quality. Often media is simply placed in filter bags, this leads to channeling where all media does not come into contact with the water. Leave the full capacity unused.

Nyos ® has developed the innovative TORQ ® System Reactor as a simple and elegant solution to the problem of aquarium filtration. The TORQ ® produces an even flow of water throughout the chamber, providing ideal conditions for any choice of filter media.


The Nyos ® TORQ ® is an innovative system reactor for all types of filter media. The TORQ ® dock is equipped with an integrated pump and forms the basic unit. The Dock is equipped with a universal connector that allows the insertion of TORQ ® reactor houses of all available sizes.



With the Nyos ® TORQ ® we have intentionally avoided screws, hoses and valves. Allow filter media to be replaced easily and without frustration in seconds.



The required pump is already included in the TORQ® docking station. Just put the body with the medium on the dock and put it in and you’re done!



One reactor, two media – In the TORQ ® bodies 1.0 and 2.0 it is possible to use two different filter media at the same time by inserting a chamber separator.



By turning the cap, it is possible to seamlessly adjust and precisely control the flow, without reaching into the water. The advanced controllability means that the flow rate can be optimally adjusted to the type and quantity required by the respective filter medium.

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