Fauna Marin Dino X


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Fauna Marin Dino X

Fauna Marin Dino X is a strong and effective preparation for the removal of hair and other pest algae in reef aquariums. Ultra Algae X also removes dinoflagellates and Briopsis algae …
Dino X (old name was ULTRA ALGEA X)

Fauna Marin Dino X is a strong and effective preparation for the removal of hair and other pest algae in reef aquariums. Ultra Algae X also removes dinoflagellates and Briopsis algae.

Packaging Fauna Marin DinoX

Fauna Marin DinoX 250ml.
Fauna Marin DinoX 500ml.
Fauna Marin DinoX 1000ml.

Fauna Marin DinoX dosage

5ml per 100 liters of aquarium water every 2 days until the algae are gone, but never longer than 21 days per treatment.
Calculate the contents of the aquarium carefully to avoid overdosing!
Please dose in the evening after the lights are off. Without light, no photosynthesis can take place, so that the cure can be applied more effectively.
Lighting on for a maximum of 6 hours per day (blue lamps can be on for up to 10 hours)
Make sure that the skimmer skimmers optimally and strongly during the treatment.
Do not change water and do not add trace elements during the cure.
Remove Ozone, Activated Carbon, Zeolite and other absorbed media during the cure.
Should Dinoflagellates come back after a few days, dose again for a few days until the Dinoglagellates are gone.

When to use Fauna Marin DinoX / ULTRA ALGAE X?

Derbesia and other feather algae
Bubble and gold algae, Halimeda calcareous algae
Bryopsis algae (Longer treatment required)
Does not work against bacteria! So also does not work for Cyanobacteria (flap)


Fauna Marin Marin DinoX / Ultra Algae X has been tested for 10 years. This product has no effect on corals and other invertebrates if you follow these instructions carefully!
Redox value can decrease a bit.
Sea Urchins and Giant Clams can be damaged after long use or overdose.
Caulerpa in Mud Filter or Refugium can be damaged.
Too much die-off of algae can release toxic substances (which are contained in the algae).
So try to manually remove as much algae as possible in advance.
Coral polyps can remain closed for several days.
* Always consult the description on the product

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